Afterlife Passages | 2023  

Portal, 2023

ice-dye and tie-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application, hand stitching
53 x 72 in 

Spirit I, 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in

Arrival, 2023

ice-dye on hand-stretched linen canvas, pressed flowers, mixed media applications
16 x 18.5 in


I come to you, 

bright-eyed and diminishing 

pulse, asking for life.

Whether it be

punishment or reward 

to return to such a place,  

I desire more.

Spirit II, 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in

Judgment, 2023

ice-dye on hand-stretched linen canvas, pressed flowers, mixed media applications
16 x 18.5 in


There’s more  between 

past and future tenses 

than this here and now. 

Tucked in pyramids and temples

goddesses rotate the stars 

to reveal your truths,

they know

your morality before you 

enter the room. 

Spirit III, 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in 

Sacrifice, 2023

ice-dye on hand-stretched linen canvas, pressed flowers, mixed media applications
16x18.5 in


No punishment or reward,

but a wish granted—you 

asked for this in some form.

We’ve been expecting you, 

now something must remain

in your place on this plane. 

Just as seeds are offered

to reap next season’s 

harvest, mutualism assures

your safe return. 

Spirit IV, 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in

Spirit V, 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in

Spirit VI (Surrender), 2023

ice-dye on hemp canvas, immersion dyed and cut velveteen application
16 x 3 in


The same fire 

that once burdened me 

rebirthed me

The amniotic fluid 

that once held me together 

set me free

 This is the ‘journal on my desk’ mentioned in the prologue.


Dispersed in dim shadows

were artifacts of a life

lived in passionate advance

towards the center of the spiral;

where all ends meet and

all beginnings converse with gods—

your fate mentioned

in passing—upon bridges

joining life and more life.

After-hours walkthrough of Mayah Pico's installation ‘Afterlife Passages’ for the 'On Portals, Parallels, and Emotion' show.

Music Credit: Chantress Seba -